i dunno whether this is a good news or bad news
hopefully, is a good news
there is a new campus in subang2
for Help university college
maybe is the biggest private university in mas
so, should be proud to be a help student
before i study in help
many said that help is considered a top university
when i study, the answer is yes
but for the lecturers only
all of them are professionals
sadly to say that the facilities are not well organized
recently, some projectors are built
but some are out of services
not only students make a lot of complaining,
but includes the lecturers...
one of my first class degree lecturers always mentions
there is a first class lecturer but with the third class facilities
this is true, i fully agree with this point
money earned is to spend but spend it wisely, ok!!
help able to afford each lecturer with one hp laptop
that costs around rm5-6,ooo
but the problem is everytime the lecturer need to carry in and out
from the office to the class or vice-versa
why dun just install the normal desktop in each classes
then the lecturers just bring their pen-drives and plug in and use
is this safer and more convenient.
anyway, to me
i really really appreciate my lecturers and tutors
they all are professionals and excellent
without them, i still like a small kid
remember one thing
degree is just a passport and a must during interview
so dun proud of your degree
whether is come from overseas uni or local uni
or first class or second upper
the important is how to apply it when u are in working