just looking for a lecturer for recommendation letter
and spent me 2 days to search for it
how much cost i have wasted for these 2 days...
Is it so so difficult to know where is the lecturer place
or is my own problem??
few weeks ago, i went to block B to find my lecturer(a statistic professor)
and they said his office is in Wisma Help Level 3,
then when i reached Wisma
they replied to me: oh!! that lecturer office is in block E
so, fine..i go find him tomorrow.
End of Day1
then today morning, for double confirmation
i asked my department staff, and she said in block E
so, i went to block E after my lecture
when i reached block E, level3..
one of the officers told me that he had shifted to Wisma help,level 5
Fine, i straight away went to Wisma Help, Level 5
Now is the interesting part..
one of girls there said he is in Block E
the one looks tinny n wear spec, right
plus he teaches stat right, then you should go to Block E
cause this is psychology department.
i really really become psychotic
now, i only realized that finding a lecturer is so so difficult
difficult than naik 'Bukit Tabur'
luckily, when i reached Block E, my lecturer just came out from wash room
thanks god, finally i had passed my doc to him
Dunno why we pay so much money on resource fees/labour fees
and still can't help students when they are in help
plus they want me to pay rm500 resource fee for this year2009
which i'm going off to aus
Anyway, i really really happy for that afternoon
i wish the clock will stuck for that period forever
cause i went to jogoya with my relatives
even though, i dun have 50% off,
but, i really enjoy that environment
some pics taken on that day...and wish all my frens and prt Happy New Year

sashimi and some korean oysters

left: mini lobster right: i also dunno what is it, but is quite nice

haha...now is the best part, no need intro also understood right
haigen daiz ice-cream and cakes